Friday, June 19, 2009

Old People

Since my days of working at McDonalds, I've had quite a distaste for old people. It must be something to do with seeing old people before they get their morning coffee each morning. Today, as I walked into car dealership (I already bought the car from there) I met a pretty cool senior gentleman. He walked the whole way across the office to greet me before the receptionist did (she was doing paperwork).

We then chatted about unions as there is a strike of city workers that has been going on for roughly two months now. As the grass in the parks approach average waist height and no end in sight, this gentleman thought we should buy some goats to help solve the problem. He also gave the idea of bailing the grass like hay and using it that way.

His opinion was that unions will soon by the way of the VCR and black and white TVs as everything will be privatized and young, energetic guys like me will take advantage.

Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to judge the old people and listen to their opinions and I may start liking them.

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